Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Wednesdays are particularly awful. I'm sure they were created by God to make us miserable. They are the very top of an uphill battle the first 60 hours of the work week, and then from about noon on whatever Wednesday you happen to be at, it's like a long downhill slide to Friday evening. And sweet blissful Friday evening/Saturday morning is like the Nirvana opposite of hellish Wednesday mornings. You can sleep in, or blow off homework, or eat like nobody's bi-zay (or business, for those of you who don't like a white person's take on black slang).
So my Wednesday morning was horrible. I had gone to bed at around 11:45 PM the night before, and I had not washed my face or brushed my teeth, I was just that tired (and for all my teenage girls out there, holla if your face revolts when you accidentally skip a washing). I got up at 5 AM, to the sound of She and Him off of my phone. All I wanted to do was fall back asleep, but I hauled my lazy behind out of bed, and set to work on my PowerPoint that was due in approximately three hours. I worked through that weird, obnoxious fuzz that seems to creep over everything (your reactions, your senses, your humor) and tried to make Batman as un-geek friendly as possible. My PowerPoint turned out awesome, my mood did not.
I find that Wednesday mornings are really bad when it's the middle of winter, and even at 6 AM it's STILL dark outside. You climb in the shower, but you get in before it's as warm as you like, and then the coffee's bad afterward. You drive to work/school, and that irritating co-worker of yours starts talking to you. You realize that there is something big due today, but you know you didn't finish it. And it's only 9 AM. Must. Make it. To lunch. Without. Strangling. Somebody. Lordy helps the person who looks at you wrong today.
Anyway, if you can't tell by now, I dislike Wednesdays. Almost as much as I hate Sunday nights.
Thank you for reading my ramblin's.